This event has 84 places available before it is fully booked.
When: Saturday 8th February 9:30am to 1:00pm
Where: Lysterfield Lake – meeting point is the lakeside area near Spotted Gum Carpark (boat ramp end of park)
Who: All Sections - Anchors, Juniors, Seniors
Cost: $0
What to wear: Bathers (may get a little wet in the canoes), runners.
What to bring: Bike, Bike helmet, Water bottle, sunscreen, hat, beach towel (you may get a little wet!), change of clothes (optional), lunch money, bag
BBQ Lunch can be purchased lakeside
What will happen: Throughout the event boys will have an opportunity to take part in:
· Lakeside games / fun / water fight
Sign In / Sign Out Parents are required to sign your boy(s) in and out at the Registration Desk.